Cranky Reviews

Rockin’ the Doublewide

West Coast Double IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 80

Other Info

Rockin’ the Doublewide


Clifford Brewery Co.

8.0% Alcohol

Red Doggin’ Doublewide Days

Way back in the day, almost half a century ago, when the missus and I first got hitched we did reside in a doublewide, up on blocks behind the Red Dog Inn. Newlyweds rockin’ the doublewide. Those were our salad days* and we thought we were living pretty high on the hog. When we told our kids that we lived in a trailer they said “Like the trailer park boys?”  The Department of Morality was offended by this comment and responded, “It was very nice, it had three bedrooms” as if the number of bedrooms validated it as luxury accommodations. Then the kids said to me “That makes you Bubbles”. I don’t know the cast of Trailer Park Boys all that well but I’m pretty sure being referred to as Bubbles is no compliment.

I Don’t See The Resemblance

When I saw this Clifford Doublewide 8% and 80 IBU brew on the shelf I did a doubletake, reminisced a bit, and then and there determined that this big bad brewski was destined to be a Friday night special. After all, their Nitro Porter was a recent top shelf super suds so we know they can deliver the goods.

They tell us this West Coast IPA harks back to 2011 when craft brewers were few and far between and IPAs were big and bitter. This one pours dark, almost amber, and a bit hazy too. Some fruit on the snoot, with some 80 IBU junkyard hops in the backlot waiting to bite.  I was surprised to sample a frothy first quaff, a very aerated mouthfeel with a not over the top fruit hops bitter combo all balanced. Subtle for a double. As I settled into this one the citrus fruit came out to play and bitters emerged but all in balance and not the high octane double indemnity ass kicking I expected.

As it warmed a bit the classic double boozy bitter finish starting to show up, no surprise there. All in all an accessible high ABV high IBU double feature. I found myself rockin’ the doublewide once again.

*Editor’s Comment: “Salad days” is an expression referring to a time of youth and inexperience. It’s origin is found In Shakespeare’s “Antony and Cleopatra”, where Cleopatra describes her infatuation with Julius Caesar as in “My salad days, when I was green in judgment.”

Final Rating: Clifford is Rockin’ the Doublewide at 15 out of 20

West Coast Double IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 80


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