Cranky Reviews

Rowdy? Not.

Session IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Rowdy? Not.

Rowdy Piper

South River Brewing Co.

4.2% Alcohol

COMDB Editor: “Hey cranky old Scotsman, what do you wear under that kilt, boxers or briefs?”

Cranky Old Scotsman: “Depends.”

This beer pours a little hazy and a bit bubbly, with a dull golden colour and a frothy white head. A mild slightly citrus aroma, very mild. First swig, nice understated citrus and pine notes, mellow finish, refreshing.  Very light notes of citrus, not hoppy, no bite in the finish.  Seems like a text book session IPA or maybe even a session IPA lite if there is such a thing. Misnamed, this brew is not all rowdy, as a matter of fact just the opposite. An understated  light session IPA.

The piper had subtle notes and a quiet, mellow presentation. Said nobody, ever. Until now.

If you are looking for some zing or bite in your IPA this isn’t the one for you. I did enjoy it, it was a refreshing quaff.

Editor’s Comment: Is this beer a tribute the 80’s wrestler Rowdy Rod Piper of WWE fame? Nope, just a picture of a lone piper on a hillside pumping the pipes as the sun sets.

Final Rating: Passive Piper 14 out of 20

Session IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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