Cranky Reviews

Seafaring Scotsman

Scottish Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 15

Other Info

Seafaring Scotsman


Lock Street Brewery

5% Alcohol

Curious Young Canadian: Hey old Scotsman what’s worn under your kilt?

Cranky Old Scotsman: It’s all well-worn but it’s not worn out yet.

With heaping helpings of heather and haggis inspired toffee as Scottish as Robbie Burns riding the Loch Ness Monster, this Lock Street brew is certainly more Scottish than Mike Myers Shrek accent.* I wouldn’t be surprised if this brew came up tartan in the tassie.

Alas, not a tankard tartan pour, but a dark caramel, which glows red in the light. It’s as headless in the glass as it is hopless on the nose. A definite malty caramel aroma. The taste is a full blown traditional Scottish ale with malt caramel and just a touch of fizz. A full of flavour flagon of frothless ale with a nice caramel toffee aftertaste. The bread malt toffee flavour just doesn’t let up, it may be too much for some but I’m settling into it quite nicely, thank you. It has a watery mouthfeel so it’s a slick quaff. No hops or bitter at all, any hops in the mix are there just to curtail the sweet. The opposite end of the scale to an IPA.

An enjoyable export from Port Dalhousie to my glass via Lock Street.


*Editor’s Comment: Mike Myers’ subtle Scottish accent used for Shrek also comes up in the Austin Powers movie series as none other than the Scottish bad guy Fat Bastard.

COMDB Translation Department Comment: Scottish to English. Tassie = cup. Gallus = bold. Braw = good looking. Bez = beer.

Final Rating: A Gallus Braw Bez at 15 out of 20

Scottish Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 15


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