Cranky Reviews

Slightly Less Dry

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Slightly Less Dry


Modelo Breweries

0.0% Alcohol

Dry February, what a concept.

I find myself in this self-inflicted purgatory wondering how I got here, when my better half arrives with the announcement “I bought you some beer.” My pulse immediately quickened as I leapt to examine the purchase. My mind was already racing to come up with legitimate work-arounds for indulging in February … perhaps it doesn’t count if the beer has been purchased for you? Then when I examined the product, my eyes quickly focus on the magical phrase “FREE BEER” printed at the bottom of the can.

I experienced a quiet moment of joy before I notice there is in fact a hyphen before the magical phrase. It is alcohol free which should have been obvious from the large 0.0 on the front, but somehow my thirsty eyes had gravitated to “free beer” first.

It’s Dry Feb, so I’m game to try anything and intrigued by the Vitamin D claim and the name Sunbrew all suggesting health benefits which sounds great. I am somewhat perplexed by the claim that the can includes “natural flavour” though? I must consult our marketing guru Farmer Steve to try to understand the reasoning here. Doesn’t everything have a natural flavour? But their marketing is spot-on with the Vitamin D focus as they know there are a number of folks not enjoying real beer during the month of Feb and that it also aligns with a month of reduced sun exposure here in the great North. So adding the Vitamin D kicker pretty much makes this a February no-brainer.

Ultimately it comes down to taste and this brew is pretty decent. If you are a Corona fan, it has that clean, crisp taste of the real thing. It doesn’t pack a whole lot of flavour, but that’s expected and when you add a lime wedge you can fool yourself into thinking it’s the real thing. The colour is great, but the carbonation wears off pretty quickly. When thirst quenching without alcohol is wanted, this should be a decent choice.

It wasn’t free, but it was good.


Editor's Comment: Dry February is no match for JT!

Final Rating: A Sunny 13 out of 20

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