Cranky Reviews

Smile Guaranteed?

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 60

Other Info

Smile Guaranteed?

Tropical IPA

Riverhead Brewing Co.

6.1% Alcohol

Riverhead has stated in writing that this beer is “guaranteed to put a smile on your face”. Perhaps they are unaware of who they are dealing with. Cranky is the operative word. As in cantankerous, ill-tempered and belligerent. And while we are at it, let’s get something else straight. It’s not grumpy old men. Grumpy is a vertically challenged Disney character.  We aren’t singing Hi-Ho and dancing with Snow White here, we’re drinking beer. Put a smile on that.

Of course, I did what anyone in this litigious society would do. I immediately called in the COMDB legal department, in the hopes that my unwavering scowl would score some free beer. Don’t blame the player, blame the game.

This arm-chair Tropical* retreat starts out with a beauty pour, a deep dark orange with a bright white head. Impressive yes, but nothing to get smiley about. High IBU but an aroma of juice no hops. Inviting yes, delighting, we will see. First swig registers a nice natural flavours juicy body, not the sickly-sweet puree that some over the top juicers juice with. With a fizzy touch of bitters to boot. Well done, a nice light refreshing well balanced juicer. It has a slight bitter aftertaste. Not hoppy.  Second swig the fizz folded like origami. The finish evolved into grapefruit bitters. A see saw balancing act of tropical citrus juicy body and a grapefruit bitters finish.

The COMDB legal department tell me that the grin on my chin means I don’t have a case to score a free case. Damn it. I guess this libation is my consolation. Lucky it’s a tasty one.

*Editor’s Comment: People tend to think of the tropics as palm trees and rum drinks by the ocean. The term “tropicality” refers to the “Garden of Eden” image of the tropics that people outside the region have. The tropics actually encompass 40% of the earth’s surface area and population and include most of Africa. The tropical zone includes rain forests and sun-drenched beaches but also includes deserts and snow capped mountains.

Final Rating: Smiling Now, Damn It at 16 out of 20

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 60


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