Cranky Reviews

So Nice I Did It Twice

Lagered Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 35

Other Info

So Nice I Did It Twice

Ol' Woody Alt

Sawdust City Brewing

5% Alcohol

Not too shabby a pour if I say so myself.

Out for a romantic dinner with the missus at a quaint little bistro by the bay with a limited draft selection but lo and behold, they have an Ol’ Woody on tap. I had one in the ol’ beer fridge but I hadn’t sampled it yet. So I thought to myself if this one is tasty then “on tap tonight and out of the can tomorrow” for a double sampling review. And after finishing off my first Ol’ Woody I said to myself, “this is so nice I’ll do it twice”.A keg and can quaffing was in the offing.

Sawdust tells us that this beer commemorates a bygone era of mahogany power boats of the Muskokas. We had an old cedar strip fishing boat in my much younger days that moved twice as slow, ran twice as loud and leaked twice as much as my new welded aluminum hull beauty. I guess the good ol’ days aren’t what they used to be.

An on tap beer bar pro pour, if pours looking this good could kill this would be a posthumous review.* An amber reddish pour with whitecaps rolling in, and the wake rolling out. A great malt amber flavour, no bite but a bit of bitter to boot. Very easy drinking.

Brew review number two, this one from the can. Another stellar (not Stella) pour. Smells like my favourite colour, amber! And once again it’s like déjà vu, amber malt flavour with a bit of graininess. No hops, very slight bitters. A watery mouthfeel which is just one more reason it’s so easy drinking. Somewhere between an amber and a red, going down smooth and steady. A big swigger.

*Editor’s Comment: The only kind of sense this makes is nonsense.

Final Rating: This Ol’ Woody is a Super Suds Stud at 17 out of 20

Lagered Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 35


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