Cranky Reviews

That’s One Ugly Pike You’ve Got There

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


That’s One Ugly Pike You’ve Got There

Ugly Pike

Ugly Pike & Dragan Brewery

5% Alcohol

I’m what you might call a lazy fisherman. I’m out on the lake lots enjoying the sunset and the peace and quiet. Nothing bothering me, sometimes not even the fish. But I’ve wet the net often enough and I catch my fair share of pickerel, and some high flying weed hawgs. Those fat bass-tards sure know how to fight. Every now and then I haul in a big ass northern and to be honest I consider any pike ugly. But my ten-pound test would be no match for the mighty Muskie, which is the ugly pike* in question today.

Out Fishin’

Time for some arts and crafts. A bit of culture from the COMDB poetry corner,

“A feller isn’t plotting schemes. Out fishin’.

He’s only busy with his dreams. Out fishin’.

His livery is a coat of tan, his creed to do the best he can.

A feller’s always mostly man. Out fishin’.”

This brew doesn’t pour ugly, it’s a nice golden gold and slightly hazy. Any head quickly headed for the hills, gone quicker than Farmer Steve when the tab hits the table.  A malt aroma with some fresh in waiting. A sweet lager like malt body with a grainy slightly bitter finish bordering on crisp. A big fish back-end bite takes the bait. Second swig the bitters abate, bitter less but not bitterless. A pairing of some of Orville’s cold stale, leftover popcorn from the grandkids Disney movie night, not a recommendation, just a fact. This pilsner has a very smooth light mouthfeel, clean and crisp for sure, certainly easy drinking.  Bitters are back for that classic European pilsner finish.

This ugly pike was a catch but not release.

*Editor’s Comment: Muskellunge is the largest member of the pike family. It’s name was derived from what the Ojibway called it, mashkinonge, meaning “ugly pike” in English. Muskies typically grow from 15 to 35 pounds or larger so they are definitely out of our reviewer’s league.

Final Rating: A Good Catch at 15 out of 20

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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