Cranky Reviews

The 7% Solution*


Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


The 7% Solution*

Dortmunder Maibock

Dortmunder Actien – Brauerei GMBH

7% Alcohol

The heat of the day has faded away like my resolve, time for the 7% solution. Farmer Steve tells me that he loves Dab beer, a little Dab will do ya he says. I guess bright minds drink alike. How about a Maibock. I asked our translation department at COMDB to tackle this one and they came up with “May Bock”. That seems like money well spent. Also known as a Helles Bock or pale bock.  Hey, wait a minute, didn’t I have a Helles Bock the other day from Big Rock? What are the odds of having two bocks in one week?** Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket.

This Dab pours golden clear with a thin white head. A light aroma, but a strong first swig. Rye malt, a bit boozy, but fairly smooth, not baby butt smooth, maybe 5 o’clock shadow smooth? I guess it’s not that smooth after all.  Starting to get a rye aftertaste early on but it faded for a fresh malt smooth no hops, no crisp.  As it warmed a bit the rye boozy taste took center stage with a soliloquy that made Hamlet look introverted.  This Mai came in like a lamb but out like a lion.  I don’t think I will be buying a lottery ticket after all, my bock just ran out.


*Editor’s Comment: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution is a 1976 Oscar-nominated British-American mystery film based on Meyer's 1974 novel of the same name. It is a Sherlock Holmes mystery.

**Editor’s Comment: With 14 beers in your beer fridge and two the same type and drinking one a night, the odds are 1 in 8 that you will have those two of the same type of beer in one week. If you drink two beers a night the odds go up to 1 in 1.

**Reviewer’s Comment: Following your logic and the laws of probability that means if I drink more I will be luckier.

Final Rating: A Little Dab Did Me at 12 out of 20


Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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