Cranky Reviews

The Sensitive Type

Blonde Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


The Sensitive Type

Farmer's Daughter

Whitewater Brewing Co.

5% Alcohol

I had to be careful with this review, you see Farmer Steve is an old buddy and I didn’t want to offend him since he is the sensitive type. So I had to check with him first. I asked him “Do you have any daughters Farmer Steve?” He said “None that I know of.” Well that was good enough for me.

On the can it says “a light pale ale with just the right hint of adventure.”  I am not sure what kind of adventure they had in mind, I just wanted a cold beer with my bowl of cashews and almonds while I was watching the game. I wasn’t planning on scaling Everest or digging up a mummy in Egypt or sky diving. A trek from the couch to the beer fridge may be the adventure of the evening. Then it says ”best served in a hayloft.”  What the hell do they mean best served in a hayloft? I think the only thing best served in a hayloft is hay.  Here’s some advice for you, don’t believe anything written on a beer can. You have to pour it and drink it to know it. As for the beer, I liked it. It was fresh and clean with a bit more flavor than your average pale ale. Is a bit more flavor the hint of adventure they referred to?  If a flavorful beer is an adventure, I guess that does make me an adventurer after all. On to my next great adventure. Move over Indiana Jones.

Final Rating: An Adventurous 15 out of 20

Blonde Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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