Cranky Reviews

The Wrong Song

Belgian Table

Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours


40 IBU

Other Info

The Wrong Song

Tiny Dancer

2 Crows Brewing

3.6 % ABV Alcohol

My Nephew brought me a new beer from the east coast. I know, I know, what a great family! The name of this brew is “Tiny Dancer” from 2 Crows Brewing and is advertised as a “Hoppy Belgian Table Beer”. I have to say that is a promising start and Tiny Dancer * is one of Sir Elton’s biggest hits. If you check out his video on Youtube you will find there have been 141 million views to date. It’s right up there with the Cranky Old Men Drinking Beer  blog.

So you have Belgian table beer – and the Belgian’s do know how to make beer. You have “Hoppy” which is a good thing, and you have a world wide smash hit. It’s all adding up to something special. What a disappointment. The hoppiness turned out to be sourness. This was very sour and not hoppy at all. Once you moved past the sourness that is the initial hit – there is little flavour left. There is no depth of flavour here and anything else they have in the flavour profile is totally overwhelmed by the sourness.

At the risk of sounding cranky, I’m thinking this brew should have been called “Don’t go breaking my heart” or maybe just “Let the sun go down on me” because it’s lights out for this beer. At only 3.6% ABV, you will certainly be singing “I’m still standing” after drinking this. Good idea to have another brew handy to erase the memory of this one.

Although, I’m not impressed with this beer, I do applaud the brewery. They are supporting a lot of good causes and they have a stated mission to never stagnate and keep evolving. So it could be that they like to experiment and I just chanced on one of their misfires. I’ll give the brewery another chance if I ever get out that way – but I won’t be having another Tiny Dancer.


*Editor’s Comment: The song Tiny Dancer is on the soundtrack of the movie Almost Famous. The movie was written and directed by Cameron Crowe. It tells the story of a teenage journalist writing for Rolling Stone in the early 1970s and his efforts to get his first cover story published. The film is semi-autobiographical, as Crowe himself was a teenage writer for Rolling Stone. The film received four Academy Award nominations, including a win for Best Original Screenplay. The soundtrack was awarded the 2001 Grammy Award for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album.

Final Rating: Not a hit at 7 out of 20

Belgian Table

Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours


Other Info

40 IBU


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