Cranky Reviews

This is One Pale Puppy

Light pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 55

Other Info

This is One Pale Puppy

A Dog Aquatic

Red Collar Brewery

4% Alcohol

From a tilt your kilt seafaring Scotsman to a sub-surface scuba diving spaniel, what we have here is a juxtaposition of brews. Full malt onslaught to mellow mild subtle suds.  From a carousel of caramel to an amiable at ease ale. From an export in excess to a no duress pacificist pale puppy. The crux of this not so subtlety painted picture, the two beers are very different.

Perhaps Red Collar’s pale ale collie cavorting in an octopus’s garden * is in fact a Portuguese water dog, the first dog of fame and fortune.** Or retrieving something out of Chesapeake Bay? And we all know how much Newfoundlanders love the water. One thing we do know for sure, it’s not the aquaphobic buffalo breathed ankle humper that rules the roost at my place.

A light and lovely pour, golden clear with a head above water. A mild fruit aroma leads to a nice mild fruit first swig with a slight and subtle fizz. A very slight bitter finish, maybe dry crisp is a better descriptor. Very easy drinking reminiscent of a session style IPA but lighter. Watery mouthfeel and very easy going down, a big watery swig yields just a touch of fruit. Quite enjoyable and refreshing.

I am a one and done guy but this one is so easy drinking it’s just like a Mission Impossible movie, custom made for a sequel. ***

*Editor’s Comment: Octopus’s Garden is a song by the Beatles from their 1969 Abbey Road album. It is one of the few Beatles songs written and sung by Ringo Starr.

**Editor’s Comment: The Obama family had two Portuguese water dogs, Bo and Sunny, while they resided in the White House.

***Editor’s Comment: The Tom Cruise Mission Impossible franchise began in 1996 and just released the 7th in the series in 2023. The most recent movie, “Dead Reckoning- Part One” pretty much ensures a sequel unless Cruise starts jumping up and down on Oprah’s couch again.

Final Rating: Under Sea Schnauzer Surfaces with a 15 out of 20

Light pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 55


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