Cranky Reviews

Tomb Raider

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Tomb Raider

Hopkins Tomb

Breakwall Brewing

5.5% Alcohol

Hauntingly Familiar

I guess the only beer you could feature a tomb on would be a dark beer, especially if the tomb in question, the Hopkins Tomb, is haunted. That’s right. Phantasms, poltergeists, spirits, specters and spooks. Lost souls, inexistential insomniacs. All the horrors of a Hopkins haunting. Apparently, the tomb is cursed as well, with tales of amateur tomb raiders meeting unpleasant fates. Or are all these manifestations only of the mind?  Either way, who you gonna call? When there’s beer involved Ghostbusters* can’t help you. You need to call Cranky Old Men Drinking Beer, and we’re already on the case.

This Breakwall brew pours pitch perfect, as in black. A slim tan head floats directly above the body. It appears that an exorcism of the beer from the glass is required. A traditional roasted malt aroma with a thick pour. But not as thick a mouthfeel, a lighter taste. The sweet stands out, like a cocoa stout. All the flavour is there but it seems unaggressive, as in easy going. There is a mild fizz start to fizzish.  The sweet is not discrete, but doesn’t distract or detract from the nice stout flavour which is hauntingly familiar.  Not sip to survive, but a big swig stout.

The sweet and the roast, with a touch of fizz, all blend together nicely in a tasty easy drinking stout. As close to a cocoa stout as you can get without being one, or maybe it is one. Whatever it is, curse or no curse, this stout is a tomb worth raiding.

Reviewer’s Note: The background of the beer picture is from the inner sleeve of Black Sabbath’s 1976 compilation album “We Sold Our Soul for Rock and Roll”.

*Editor’s Comment: Hopkins Tomb at Oakland Cemetery in Port Colbourne is supposed to be a hotbed of paranormal activity. The theory is that Sam Hopkins’ soul never caught up to his body in burial and is now in limbo, between worlds. It appears that it is not only haunted but cursed too!

**Editor’s Comment: “Ghostbusters” is a movie franchise that was thought dead and gone with the sequel, Ghostbusters II. But it’s alive again with the fourth one just coming out and Dan Ackroyd is working on a pre-quel. Not to be confused with “The Ghost Busters”, a kids show from the 70’s.

Final Rating: A Spirited 15 out of 20

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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