Cranky Reviews

Trappist Trials and Tribulations

Trappist Ale

Beer Type

0 to 6

0 to 6

The Dregs


Trappist Trials and Tribulations


Brasserie D’Orval

6.9% Alcohol

This Trappist* Orval ale ordeal started out as a foam fest and only got worse. As foamy as it gets and then some. A head so thick it could hold up a bank, and it took more time to settle than a Trump law suit (pick one, any one).  Luckily, I was in no hurry, although I must admit a flight delay of any kind would test anyone’s patience, even Job’s.**

After 30 plus minutes the foam subsides enough for me to at least get a whiff of Jiff. Boozy wheat on the nose, fields full of it. Some spices in there too. Not what I would call an appetizing or appealing aroma.

Finally, a dive through the foam to taste and tell. A boozy tingly off wheat taste, perhaps an expired offering from the Monks? I check the date brewed. October 2023, and best before October 2028! This brew has a 5 year shelf life? I don’t think so.*** Regardless of whether it’s a bad batch or tastes the way it should, the way it tastes is not good.  Boozy, harsh, unbalanced, and bitter cloves and those are its good features!

This Trappist was at first a foam fest, before the taste test, and ended up being less than the best, or even any of the rest. Too much head not enough heart. I know why the Monks exported this one out of the Monastery. Maybe I should be sampling the ones they keep for themselves.

*Editor’s Comment: The term “Trappist” is a protected trademark. To be deemed Trappist a beer must be brewed within Monastery walls, the brewing must not interfere with the daily life of the monks, and any profits must be used to sustain the life of the monastery or given to charity. Monastery brewed beers that do not meet all of these criteria this criteria are referred to as Abbey ales.

**Editor’s Comment: The saying “The patience of Job” is biblical in its origins, coming from The Book of Job in the New Testament. The prophet Job suffered many severe trials and exhibit great patience with God.

***Editor’s Comment: There are lots of different opinions on beer shelf life. The Beer Store suggests serving beer within 3 months of purchasing. Storing it in the fridge helps extend shelf life. Some say a beer stored cold will maintain a reasonable taste for 2 years or more. But no one claims a 5 year shelf life.

Final Rating: Not Worth the Wait at 6 out of 10

Trappist Ale

Beer Type

0 to 6

0 to 6

The Dregs


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