
182 Reviews

Port C Pint

Port C Pint

According to Hemingway “In every port in the world, at least two Estonians can be found.”* Sure enough, according to the most recent census information, Port Colborne has 10 Estonians. This has next to nothing to do with this beer review, but who doesn’t love quoting...

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A Kick in the Crown Jewel

A Kick in the Crown Jewel

Editor’s Comment: Wow a Deadpool guest review! The only really cool Marvel character. One of my heroes. Well, not really a hero, more like an anti-hero. To be honest I’ve only seen one Deadpool movie, but it’s still great to get a guest review from him.  Drinking...

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Poolside Peachy

Poolside Peachy

Poolside with a peachy pint. Firin' up the community BBQ for some grillin' and swillin', Lord willin'. After a sketchy start we have ignition, and I popped the top on this peachy pop for liftoff. Number four in my Four Peaks trilogy, this golden ale is a fruity...

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Need a Lift?

Need a Lift?

Need a lift? Well, an updraft, or an amber, usually lifts my kilt. Love me an amber.  So when I saw this amber ale Kilt Lifter I said to myself I gotta get me some of that. It turns out this is the beer that got things started for Four Peaks back in 96, and is still...

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Scoring on a Breakaway

Scoring on a Breakaway

A bottle of Breakaway Blonde beer from a Boston based brewer, an alliterative ale to be sure. Samuel Adams may have been one of the founding fathers of the USA, but he was no roar in hell when it came to the brewing business.* Not so the case with the brewery that...

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Eastbound Goin’ Down

Eastbound Goin’ Down

At a Hy steaks dinner, way out of my price range. Luckily the only thing I was paying was attention and compliments. Had a great chat with the bartender who once he discovered I was a beer reviewer (I told him in hopes of a freebie, no dice) asked me what has become a...

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Hip Hop is a Smash

Hip Hop is a Smash

Hip hop? I can tell you who’s who in The Who, or who’s still alive from the Grateful Dead. I can talk rock like nobody’s business. Hip Hop, not so much. There is that guy named after the candies, M&M, then there’s the Bestie Boys, and Mary Obliged but that’s all I...

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Third Degree Burns

Third Degree Burns

Another Scottish beverage to follow on the Robbie Burns theme started by RS, our own Cranky Old Bard in his recent review. If you aren't familiar with Robbie Burns, then you need to read Second Degree Burns by RS to catch up. You won't find any Scottish phrases here,...

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Ice Cold Gold

Ice Cold Gold

Us COM find ourselves out in left field quite often these days, with something ice cold on hold. 7 times to date to be exact, bird watching, and reminiscing about Mr.Oktober putting on a laser show. Enough baseball lingo, spring training is still a month away. * But...

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Sweet Potato Harvest

Sweet Potato Harvest

This brew brought to mind Neil Young’s album Harvest,* then I recalled Harvest Crunch.** Then as my mind continued to wander and wonder, I thought about the video game Harvest Moon that my kids played incessantly back in the day. But never, ever did I think about...

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