
49 Reviews

A Brew to Remember, I Wish I Could

A Brew to Remember, I Wish I Could

According to the COMDB Guide to Beer Tasting Rule #7, if you find a beer you like write the name down, because with all those crazy beer names out there, I'll be damned if I can remember them all. Good advice not taken usually becomes expensive education.  Out to...

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We Serve Beer Here

We Serve Beer Here

Lots of breweries are running restaurants that serve beer. But there are still a few chill brewers out there that are running bars that serve food, and Mascot in the entertainment district of downtown TO is doing just that.* A step or two down into a room with no view...

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Mining for Beer?

Mining for Beer?

At the big mining show in the little apple. What on earth, or in the earth, would we be mining for in downtown Toronto? Beer of course. That’s right, at the Mining4Beer soiree at the Craft Beer Market. A great evening, kudos to Cameron and all those involved. With...

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A Chance Encounter With an Old Flame

A Chance Encounter With an Old Flame

Some have surmised my love of amber is directly related to an old flame. Unrequited long lost love. Fond reminiscing of what could have been but never was. Broken heart on my tear drenched sleeve without reprieve. Nope, I just love the taste. But I must admit when I...

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Taking the Family Out for a Stout

Taking the Family Out for a Stout

On a family ski trip to Ellicottville NY and we passed by a restaurant named FTR. The misses thought it looked quaint, and would be good for us and the grandkids, so I said I would check it out online. “It has a kid’s menu” I told her, and that was all she wrote, we...

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Border Patrol

Border Patrol

Crossing the border, this time literally. My mission, to achieve a New York state of mind by scoring some New York State brewskies. To achieve this crafty clandestine caper I have devised a foolproof cover. I have the misses and the grandkids in tow and the vehicle...

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Gotta Love Burlington

Gotta Love Burlington

On the road and the demands of sunset driving dictated I pull over in Burlington for a Timmies large regular with an old fashion plain (the donut, not me). It was  required to help me navigate the hardline haulers and the Tokyo drifters that make rush hour highway...

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All You Need is Love, and a Guinness

All You Need is Love, and a Guinness

Out for a big night in the little apple. At the Walrus and time to wet the ol’ whiskers (mine not the Walrus's).  It’s draft day but we aren’t interested in a rookie. Calling in a good old Guinness on tap. Hard to go wrong with the classic. A pro pour, wish I could...

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Festing with the Best

Festing with the Best

Kicking off COMDB Muskoka Oktober festing weekend with a visit to Clear Lake. Six Cranky Old Men, five festers ordering draft, and one ab-stoner who did not go unnoticed by the very accommodating bar staff. “Will you be having a beverage with your meal” was a...

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That’s Pepperwood, Not Peckerwood

That’s Pepperwood, Not Peckerwood

COM1 - “Saturday. Let’s meet for lunch at “Pepperwood”* in Burlington.” COM 2- “Peckerwood!* That’s a terrible name for a restaurant”. COM1: “And bring your hearing aid with you.” COM2:  “Ok, meet you at 8”. COM1: “Never mind, I’ll text you.” COM2: “A test?”...

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