
285 Reviews

A Royal Spain in the Glass

A Royal Spain in the Glass

Lots of signs up in the beer store about this new brew, Madrí, A beer from Madrid at my local Beer Store, that's exceptional! I picture Don Quixote tilting at windmills while I’m titling a frosty brewski.* I make a Spanish inquisition to the friendly and helpful Beer...

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Campfire Smoke

Campfire Smoke

Passing through the Muskokas meant a chance to stop by the largest beer spa in the world and partake in some campfire smoke at Clear Lake. A tasty entrée with an adult beverage for an appetizer, that’s the ticket. A gander at the On Tap menu, said the excited goose....

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Black Hole Sun Shines

Black Hole Sun Shines

Black Hole Sun is the name of a dark depressing song by Soundgarden,* or a dark impressive beer by Counterpart. You can take your pick or drink one while listening to the song like I did. Then after 5 minutes and 18 seconds I tuned out Soundgarden, turned on the...

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Bruno Who?

Bruno Who?

Maybe it’s only a coincidence, but I wonder if they know that there is a real Bruno Mars, and he looks a bit like the picture on the can. Mars is so chill and cool he’s out of this world. Maybe this chill craft from Mascot  is as chill, as smooth, as cool, as good as...

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Trouble in the Fields?

Trouble in the Fields?

Not sure what the trouble is in the fields. Scarecrow down? A swarm of locusts of biblical proportions? Beau’s super charged tractor tearing up the crops? Or worst of all, the fields as parched as JT after a dry February? So far this year Boston is having trouble in...

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Island Favourite

Island Favourite

Picture a southern seaside Cyprus sunset with the waves lapping at the Island shore and a gentle Mediterranean breeze washing away the stresses of the day. A waiter in white, the model of service and efficiency, asks “Is there anything you would like, Sir” and when he...

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Island Time Again

Island Time Again

Hey Common Good, Jamaica good beer do you? As old Bob Marley would say, “you see, we taking it easy”* with this light island lager. I think Marley would have liked a beer company named the Common Good, but today’s quiz for duck is closer to home, as in will the COM...

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Dark Day, Good Köstritzer

Dark Day, Good Köstritzer

A dark beer while listening to Dark Side of the Moon seemed to be a fitting follow-up to all the hoopla surrounding the elliptical illusion. At least the clouds prevented any fried like eggs eyes, sunny side up I assume. For those of you who drove hundreds of miles,...

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A Port Perry Proud Pint

A Port Perry Proud Pint

  Port Perry, named after settler Peter Perry (not Katy Perry) and birth place of many famous people whose names I don’t recognize (not Katy Perry),* is also home to Canada’s oldest still standing grain elevator.** And of course, our brewer of the hour, Old Flame...

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The Mighty Eagle Soars (and Scores)

The Mighty Eagle Soars (and Scores)

I was mighty thirsty so the timing was right for a frosty cold thirst-quenching easy drinking big swig Bob’s your uncle and Betty’s your aunt brewski, and this Mighty Eagle seemed like the can that could. As American as a Canadian beer can get, which hopefully isn’t...

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