Lite Beers

49 Reviews

Vice Lite

Vice Lite

The Cold Break crew are doing their own version of the iconic 80’s show Miami Vice.* Flashback to the fashion forward show with pastel coloured T-shirts under  Armani jackets, slip-ons no socks, with some designer stubble on the chin. I assume the boat on the can is...

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Cruisin’ and Crushin’

Cruisin’ and Crushin’

Back by popular demand, Father’s Day. I tried to get the Grandkids in on the gift giving but they were quick to point out that I didn’t know what I was talking about, that it’s Father’s Day, not Grandfather’s Day.* “You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’” is what my old man...

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A Dark Lite Nite

A Dark Lite Nite

Having a dinner with some civil engineers, looks like the menu is jumbo shrimp with a dark lite. Since these oxymorons are all old news. any enthusiasm for them is usually found missing, and all we end up with is intense apathy followed by a deafening silence.  Maybe...

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Light Night, Eh!

Light Night, Eh!

It seemed like the right night for a night light, a bright idea if I say so myself. How about one of the Canadian vernacular. That’s right, it’s Light, Eh! from our Kingsville connection, they say their beers are for those who wander. Does a wandering mind count? I...

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Here at COMDB were are an equal opportunity drinker when it comes to beer, we try them all, at least once. The Gose genre* is not completely unfamiliar to us. We have told a few Gose stories around the old campfire, some of them pretty scary I must admit. In some ways...

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Huhh Yeah?

Huhh Yeah?

Can we get a Huhh Yeah for the ghetto blaster? No, he wasn't a gun toting vigilante. Are you sure you’re over 19? The ghetto blaster on the can, or the politically correct and original name boom box, is booming out a Huhh Yeah! for this light lager from Newark. That’s...

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This Flight Tonight*

This Flight Tonight*

When I have the pleasure of visiting a taproom like the Ports, or similar establishments, I’m usually a flight risk, so I try to order one and done. But this Flight doesn’t seem risky at all. Another US offering, this time a light shorty from the oldest brewer in the...

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After an unpleasant experience with a liver shiver giver of an imperial stout, it’s time to get hooked up with a heavenly Helles on earth light and bright brewski. And you know what they say, when in Rome do as the Romans do. No, I’m not drinking this in a toga,...

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Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

What evil lurks in the hearts of men, the Shadow knows.* The mind reader that slapped David Wilcox knows too. ** And they both know beyond a shadow of a doubt. But how about this light, what kind of a shadow will it throw? Another 5 o’clock shadow perhaps? Enough...

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A Light Dark, or a Dark Light?

A Light Dark, or a Dark Light?

For those of you suffering from nyctophobia,* have no fear, your beer is here. Here is a dark beer for those that don’t want a dark beer, which begs the question if you don’t want a dark beer why drink a dark beer? Having no reasonable answer to that question, let’s...

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