Lite Beers

49 Reviews

10 Point Pint Scores a 15

10 Point Pint Scores a 15

  Don Cherry was coaching the Bruins that night. They were leading the division and on a 7 game winning streak when they laced them up at Maple Leaf Gardens on February 7th, 1976. The Leafs were struggling having won only once in their last seven games. The stage...

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This is One Pale Puppy

This is One Pale Puppy

From a tilt your kilt seafaring Scotsman to a sub-surface scuba diving spaniel, what we have here is a juxtaposition of brews. Full malt onslaught to mellow mild subtle suds.  From a carousel of caramel to an amiable at ease ale. From an export in excess to a no...

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A Last Light Last Night

A Last Light Last Night

I’ve been out on the lake many times at last light, line in the water, coaxing those fat-basstards to take hook line and sinker so I can wet the net. No surf boats making waves, no old hounds on dock or shore barking their heads off, no seagulls squawking their...

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Crank-y Review

Crank-y Review

Time to put some Crank in the tank. Crank seems like a pretty versatile word. As a noun it could be the crank shaft in your car, an annoying eccentric person, a bad-tempered grouch, or an impure form of crystal meth! As a verb you can crank a crank and you can crank...

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A Light in the Dark

A Light in the Dark

Over dinner at the COMDB AGM and I thought I would get a review in. Who says multi-tasking isn’t productive?* I was intrigued by Sawdust City’s new beer San Diego Dreamin’. Although it appears to be an obvious reference, or play on, the song title “California...

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It’s Not Pete’s, It’s Petes

It’s Not Pete’s, It’s Petes

On the lake again this evening, feeding the fishes. No fat bass-tards landed, but a couple of little bass-turds that got thrown back as quickly as an icy IPA after mowing the lawn on a walk-on-the-sun scorcher of an afternoon. Successful or not, every fishing...

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A Can of Cold Corona Doesn’t Cut It

A Can of Cold Corona Doesn’t Cut It

Recently in Southern California I picked up a 12 pack of Corona Premier at a nearby store. While I normally drink the regular Corona  in a bottle with a lime or lemon, I went for the cans this time. I am not sure why I went with the low cal can version either. Maybe I...

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Ducks in a Row

Ducks in a Row

Sergeant: I didn’t see you at our camouflage exercise this morning Private. Private: Thank you sir. I went duck hunting once, many years ago, my first and last hunting experience. It was with my father and grandfather. We got geared up early on a cold wet fall...

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Copy That

Copy That

Sure looks like a Corona copy to me. From the Cool (not Coors) Beer company. Out of Mimico, I kid you not.* They even instruct you to “add a twist of lime” on the bottle. What’s different is this is a light beer as in both quantity light and ABV light. There is...

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Lightweight to Hydrate

Lightweight to Hydrate

Apparently, the length of the lawn is directly proportional to the number of days that I don’t mow it, according to my much better half. So despite the torrid heat, it was lawn mowin’ time again. Mowing the lawn tonight was like taking a walk on the sun….with a...

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