Lite Beers

50 Reviews

Lightweight to Hydrate

Lightweight to Hydrate

Apparently, the length of the lawn is directly proportional to the number of days that I don’t mow it, according to my much better half. So despite the torrid heat, it was lawn mowin’ time again. Mowing the lawn tonight was like taking a walk on the sun….with a...

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A Grisette?

A Grisette?

If you thought that a Grisette was a Memphis Grizzly’s cheerleader* you would be incorrect. FYI the Memphis Grizzlies cheerleaders are actually called Grizz Girls. What kind of a name is that? Sounds like a geriatric cheer squad to me. Why not the Memphis Belles, or...

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Making Light

Making Light

The name of this brew reminded me of Teddy Roosevelt’s famous foreign policy quote “Walk softly and carry a big stick”.* Of course, “tread lightly” seems to be the not only phrase of the times, but a legal and moral obligation. Heaven forbid if you upset someone,...

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Done and Dusty (and Thirsty)

Done and Dusty (and Thirsty)

Mowin’ the lawn near the end of a hot day. When I mentioned in passing that it seems like ages since I had surfed the turf the missus seemed to have the exact number at hand as in two weeks and 3 days. TMI as far as I am concerned. You see, my thumbs are closer to a...

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Light Local Lager Lauded

Light Local Lager Lauded

What’s so great about beer of the month club? Let me tell you. Beer. Another thing that is great about it is getting introduced to brewer’s like MacLean’s Ales, hailing and harkening from the half-hidden hamlet of Hanover.* They seem to be a month club staple and we...

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Coffee Time!

Coffee Time!

When it comes to coffee, I like mine hotter than the hobs of hell, blistered lips be damned. Unless of course it is a coffee stout, then chill and swill is the plan. This isn’t a coffee stout though. It is a coffee dark mild, that being a dark English ale. Not just a...

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Three Sips and Your Out (of Beer)

Three Sips and Your Out (of Beer)

Editor’s Comment: An RA Sunday night special sip and report review. A MacKinnon farm produce pint is up for a pour and score. RA quaffing a light fruit beer, say it isn’t so! I think I just felt the earth shift on it’s axis a bit. Nothing will ever be the same again....

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Nickel for a Change

Nickel for a Change

From the smokestacks of Montreal to the Stacks of Sudbury. Time for some culture from the COMDB poet’s corner. My abs are with Waldo, no where to be seen, time for a light beer, my fitness routine. Stack’s tribute to the miners is what I picked, while I watch my...

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If You Want Blood, You’ve Got It*

If You Want Blood, You’ve Got It*

Reading the fine print is not my forte. So when I saw the name on this brew I thought about Grissom and his CSI UV light** tracking blood spatter around a crime scene, and I thought of Bud Light***. So I had in my mind a light (although hopefully not as mild) lager...

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