
21 Reviews

Nitro Baby, Shake Rattle and Pour

Nitro Baby, Shake Rattle and Pour

I dropped by the Clifford Brewery last week and saw a Porter Nitro on the shelf and I said to myself I’ve got to get me some of that, and myself and I were in total agreement on this, so I did. Do you know what makes a great beer even better? I’ve got two words for...

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Big City Grind

Big City Grind

This big city brew started out as foam city. The pop gave way to a push and more flow than ebb and next thing you know, overflow. Nothing serious, I didn’t spill the beans, so no major ounces wasted and no coffee cleanup crew required. As for the beer name Full City...

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A Complex and Poetic Porter

A Complex and Poetic Porter

Rhyme time for this poetic porter with a visit to the COMDB culture corner. I poured me a porter, Called bricks and mortar. From the folks at Collingwood, I hope it’s good. My poetic license was issued by the DBR.* Hallmark here I come. On their website the...

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Which Nanaimo Bar is Serving an Imperial Porter Tonight?

Which Nanaimo Bar is Serving an Imperial Porter Tonight?

Maybe the Dinghy Dock? Or perhaps the Black Bear? Could be Carlos O’Bryan’s or even Jinglepot. I’m not sure what bar in Nanaimo they are referring to but I’m 4,435 kms away from any one of them so it’s a moot point. Popping the top on this extra tall boy to watch the...

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Gone Gonzo

Gone Gonzo

It isn’t too often that a word engrains itself in our language through the actions of one person. Hunter S. Thompson is one such person.  His gonzo journalism put the name gonzo* on the map so to speak. The word has gone beyond just journalism and has become an...

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Baltic Brew Haw

Baltic Brew Haw

Money doesn’t grow on trees but I am going to need an orchard of change, hopefully toonies, to pay for this expensive brew. The question at hand, is one beer worth all this change? We shall see. Those of you without a geography degree (just like myself) may be saying...

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Monday Night Wild Card Breakfast Porter

Monday Night Wild Card Breakfast Porter

Monday Night Football wild card game, my Dallas Cowboys vs. Old Man Brady and his Tampa Bay Young Bucs. The Dallas defense took Buc passer Brady to school, it wasn’t the Cowboys first rodeo but it may be Brady’s last one. Never sure of the outcome of any game, I had...

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Hearts for BlackBerry

Hearts for BlackBerry

My first mobile phone (not including the Motorola bag phone we moved from truck to truck) was a BlackBerry. 2002 cutting edge Canadian technology. I loved all my BlackBerrys. There was Pearl, a real beauty. Then Curve, loved those curves. Then Bold, marketing slogan:...

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A Pint of Pitchfork Porter Please

A Pint of Pitchfork Porter Please

When I first saw the name Pitchfork I immediately thought of the Devil*, Lord knows why. Is this another devil-may-care, or may not for that matter, brew like 666 or the Devil’s Punchbowl? But I should know by now that you can’t judge a brew by it’s cover. Reading the...

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