Wheat Beers

17 Reviews

Allday Breakfast

Allday Breakfast

I am accustomed to having my breakfast wheat shredded, not fermented. But if Kris Kristofferson, Jim Morrison and Sheryl Crow all recommend a breakfast barley sandwich then it must be a thing, just not my thing.* Or you could have beerios, which is substituting beer...

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Sour Disposition

Sour Disposition

A sour wheat beer, this could well be the worst of both worlds. But it’s a Lock Street brew, of Dalhousie docks fame. The proud purveyor of Portside Pilsner, the seaside supplier of Seafarer Scottish suds and the bayside brewer of Black Sail. A great brewer taking on...

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A Bashful Bavarian

A Bashful Bavarian

Heifer weizen, sounds like a brainy bovine. But no, it’s not a crafty cow but rather a craft quaff, last night’s brew to be precise. We have our French Canadian brewer of the week, 3 Brasseurs, brewing a German style beer with a Japanese name. The COMDB translation...

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A Belgian Wit, and That’s No Joke

A Belgian Wit, and That’s No Joke

Is a Belgian wit a comedian from Brussels? I wish. Instead, it’s the dreaded wheat beer, not a COMDB favourite by any stretch of the taste buds. And not just any wheat, a Belgian one. But as I open my beer fridge, this beer of the month club offering is challenging me...

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Happy Hour?

Happy Hour?

Editor’s Note: A happy hour review, by our intrepid craftmeister RA. That means you get two for one. Two reviews in one that is. A twofer. You get the idea. Review 1: White Tulip. RA: Smells skanky, tastes worse. I’m gonna have to pour it out and try something...

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Gose Stories

Gose Stories

Back in the day, trays of draft at the Tap Room, and a salt shaker on the table. The old fellers at the back sprinkling some salt into their draft.  Why you would sprinkle salt into good beer (or draft at the Tap Room) is beyond me. So now I have a Gose in front of...

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A dark wheat beer. Is that an oxymoron? Yin and yang. Weiss and Dunkel. Ebony and ivory*. No, that’s a Dunkelweizen. According to Erdinger this is a specialty beer for connoisseurs**. I guess that makes any one of us who shop for craft beer at the LCBO a connoisseur....

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A Weiss Choice

A Weiss Choice

I put the term Weissbräu to the COMDB translation department and they promptly told me that Oktoberfest was over. After some cajoling, and explaining this was definitely not an Oktoberfest beer, I got them to assist. Although it is generally recognized  that a...

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Banana Boat

Banana Boat

Harry Belafonte was loading the banana boat but daylight was coming (Day-O, Day-O) and he wanted to go home.* Sounds to me like Harry was pulling an all-nighter. But this banana boat is of the Hefeweizen variety. Sounds like a job for….. you guessed it, the COMDB...

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Beaching Brew

Beaching Brew

Barley Days is a brewer in Prince Edward County that was into craft beer making long before most ... they've been at it since 2007 ... but they are still keeping things fresh and bringing new beers to market. I haven't tried a new one from them in a while and thought...

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