Sep 12, 2023 | News

Bad golf and good beer seems to be a winning combination with the COM and this year’s AGM was no exception. I am fairway challenged and suffer from LOFT when it comes to golf, but I can usually muster a good shot or two after 14 holes of warm up. Unfortunately we played a 12 hole course. The good news is fewer holes facilitated earlier imbibing, well played JT. More good news, 12 holes cut down my regular score by at least 36 strokes.

Before we get into the beer reviews and the best and worst of the evening, there are a few formalities to be dealt with. A brief summary of the financial presentation is as follows:

  • Revenue zero;
  • Expenses substantial;
  • Prospects questionable;
  • The shareholders were made aware of the potential of a return to profitability within the next 5 years.
  • Management was reminded that you don’t return to a place you have never been.

Financial details were sketchy since we make a point of never inviting the accounting department to the event, because to be honest, we can never count on them. The Editor and COMDB translation department were sent invites but for the wrong date. I need to send them apologies for my careless error that was successful at ensuring they were not present.

In addition to a fine line up of brews for sampling, there was some rousing game play as well. Two Up Two Down to the death was just the warm-up for an intense session of Uno. Then onto a game of Ricktionary, a game of our own invention that will require some explanation. Here goes:

A CSNY song is on the radio.

RS: I came through Omemee….

FS: You mean OmeMee

RS: Yea, that’s what I said, Omemee

FS: It’s pronounced OmeMee

RS: Yea, Omemee. Anyway they claim to be the birthplace of Neil Young. I don’t think Neil Young ever shacked up with Joni Mitchell but Graham Nash did. How about David Crosby?

RA: Who was that song about the fat guy who wouldn’t get out of bed?

JT: What?

FS: What are you talking about.

RS: He is talking about Brian Wilson and the song the Barenaked Ladies did about him.

RA: Yea, that’s right.

JT: That’s amazing. How did you figure that out.

RS: It’s just like Pictionary,  but it’s Ricktionary.

And that’s how Ricktinoary works, take one of Rick’s off the wall comments and try to figure out what he’s talking about. If you have a Rick you can play at home.

But enough frivolities, it’s brew review time. 6 reviewers tackling 13 brews, and the odds were forever in our favor. Our scribe was for lack of a better word unreliable as he had found a bottle of Crown Royal and was getting royally crowned, and was rolling numbers instead of recording them.  

What we have been able to decipher is in a close race the winner was a Pale Ale from across the pond, Timothy Taylor’s Landlord Spring blonde. A multiple award winner, it can add the COMDB 2023 AGM Best Brew award to it’s long list of notable achievements. A close second goes to the Sawdust City pilsner, A Place to Stand, and honourable mention goes to Wellington’s Morning Moon IPA.

And the other end of the sampling spectrum? A surprise lowest score for one of our favorite brewers. Muskoka Breweries had an uncharacteristically low score with their ultra-light offering Born This Way, which we all wished had been born another way.

The 3rd Annual COMDB AGM is a wrap. Time to get those apology notes out.


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