The Fans Demand It

Jan 26, 2024 | Rants / Articles

In England, there is an old saying: “Football (soccer) is a gentleman’s game played by hooligans, and rugby is a hooligan’s game played by gentlemen.” When I first heard the saying I thought they were referring to the fans. Their soccer fans can get pretty rowdy, they make an NFL tail gate party look like a church social.

A beer that I reviewed recently was called “Ice Cold Beer”. It was a real team effort. I supplied the ice cold and Left Field supplied the beer.  Left Field is a baseball focused brewer and what they tell us about their Ice Cold Beer is “the fans demand it”. I would venture to say, if you are a Toronto sports fan, that the fans deserve it. Maybe, just maybe, the fans need it?

But you know who doesn’t deserve it? Let me tell you.

As a long-time fan I have every right to do some Monday morning quarterbacking and complain, criticize and carp. To put forward some hindsight. To bitch about what my team should have done the night before on the day after. Of course, like most of the sportscasters these days, I am not qualified in any way, shape or form to offer even a semi-educated opinion on any professional sport, but I don’t let that stop me. I opine on sports on a regular basis, not profoundly but sometimes profanely. But I would never, ever boo my own team. What’s that all about?

I’m waiting to see the Leafs win the cup again, this time in colour, and I’ve been waiting a long time, but I would never boo them.

So, for the so-called fans who boo their own team, you don’t deserve ice cold beer. This brew is not for you.


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