This One’s On Me

Oct 15, 2022 | Rants / Articles

I was driving and listening to the radio and generally in a good mood until a public service announcement set me off. They were announcing some program to support some group that can’t raise any money on their own, you know the type of program. It all sounded good, I am sure the program was very deserving (eye roll which you can’t see but you know it’s there). At the end of the ad it said “Paid for by the Government of Ontario “! Wait a minute. You and I both know who is really paying for it don’t we. You and I. That’s right, taxpayers. Contributors to the system, or perhaps sponsors is a better description. In fact you and I are even paying for the radio ad to falsely give credit to the Government for paying for the program we actually paid for. How’s that for adding insult to injury*!

I don’t mind paying my fair share of taxes to live in the greatest country in the world, it could be worse**. But I wouldn’t mind at least being recognized for my contribution. Perhaps the government should say “This program is being paid for by the taxpayers of Ontario ”. Or at least be truthful and say  “This program is being paid for by tax dollars collected by the Government of Ontario.”

They say the truth will set you free, but we would still have to pay for it***.

*Editor’s Comment: The term “adding insult to injury” comes from the Aesop Fable “The Bald Man and the Fly”.

**Editor’s Comment: If you ever start to feel overwhelmed by the tax rate consider the Beatles. It sounds like the Beatles paid taxes 8 days a week. In George Harrison’s song “Taxman” the lyric goes “Should five percent appear too small, Be thankful I don’t take it all”. Did the Beatles really get taxed at 95%. Apparently they did. According to a Bloomberg article “The top rate for British taxpayers in the mid-1960s reached 83 percent. The wealthiest among them paid a 15 percent super-tax on top of that, pushing taxes as high as 98 percent”. And still, Sir Paul is worth $1.2 Billion USD. Even Ringo is clocking in at $350M. So hard to feel too sorry for them.

***Editor’s Comment: This saying is derived from the Bible, John 8:32. “….you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


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