When is Enough Enough? When it’s Too Much.

Feb 25, 2023 | News, Rants / Articles

Canada has one of the highest tax rates in the world, and now one of the lowest recommended alcohol consumption guidelines as well. Coincidence, I think not.

I am referring to the new guidelines from the Canadian Center of Substance Abuse and Addiction that recommend two or less drinks a week! I just felt a quiver in my liver. It also suggests that 3 to 6 drinks a week increases your risk of developing several types of nasty cancers. At 7 drinks or more a week your heart will automatically stop. I may be paraphrasing here. However, there is also research out there that tells us that moderate consumption of alcoholic drinks can be good for your heart.*

Not to confuse the issue, although I usually do, Health Canada’s guideline is that men limit alcohol to no more than 3 standard drinks per day and 15 standard drinks per week. They give us a little leeway on events such as New Year’s eve with 4 standard drinks on special occasions.  Even though us COM don’t have much hair these days, we still occasionally let down what we have. The AGM is a case (or a few cases) in point. By the way, whenever I plan to go to JT’s for our AGM the Department of Morality expresses her concern about binge drinking. I remind her that I don’t do it often. She says something like “That’s what binge drinking is” but by that time I usually have turned so that she is speaking to my bad ear.  

The US authority, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), has a catchy slogan. “Drink less to be your best!” They suggest drinking in moderation by limiting intake to 2 drinks or less in a day for men.

The UK guidelines tell us ‘Low risk’ is not regularly exceeding 14 units per week (7 imperial pints or 500ml), spread evenly over the week. “This level of consumption represents a low risk of long term or short-term health harm for a healthy adult.”

You wouldn’t be surprised to hear that other countries differ in the perceived risks of quaffing a cold one, or two. Australia recommends no more than 10 standard drinks a week, and no more than four in a day. Belgium is up to 21 drinks a week for men and 14 for women as low risk, while Ireland goes with up to 17 drinks for men and 11 for women. France recommends no more than 10 standard drinks a week. The Netherlands weighs in on the low side, suggesting no more than one drink a day. It should also be noted that a “standard drink” varies from country to country, so everything is about as clear as a crazy hazy IPA.   Canada’s most recent guideline seems to be the global limbo “bar” winner for “how low can you go”.

I haven’t seen any studies on the positive mental health benefits of hoisting a cold one after one of those days that seems like three of those days. Maybe COMDB should do our own research, maybe we could get a government grant that would pay for the beer?

This website is all about sampling a craft beer every now and then with friends and having some fun. In the immortal words of Oscar Wilde, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” In other words, don’t let your drinking, or your drink for that matter, get out of hand. **

When is enough enough? I guess when it’s too much. That is probably about as useful a guideline as any of the others out there. Here’s to your health.

*Editor’s Comment: As reported by Beer of the Month Club.

**Editor’s Comment: Wilde was also quoted as saying “Work is the curse of the drinking classes.”


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