COMDB Gets Reviewed

Jan 21, 2024 | News, Rants / Articles

Of all the beer review websites out there, it’s one of them. An exhaustive fact check has determined this statement to be correct. The Editor

An affordable read. Farmer Steve

I’m usually busy in the yard, so I appreciate that it doesn’t take up much of my time. RA

I liked the rant about Tim Hortons because I like their donuts. And the reference to Snoop Dogg, that’s OK too. The beer reviews I can do without. Fonger

I like the poetry. The dog shit rant, JT at the bar. I believe these are culturally significant.   RS

After she visited the site, my wife said I couldn’t visit the site anymore. The Editor

I like that the reviewers go off on a tangent sometimes. By the way, did you see the latest Mission Impossible movie, I went to see it and it turns out it is only part one! What’s that all about. A cliffhanger and no Sly Stallone losing his grip in this one. Now I have to pay another exorbitant price for a ticket to see part two, as if Tom Cruise isn’t rich enough. And what about that popcorn! An extra $3 for butter? It’s not really popcorn without butter is it? Do they sell cars without tires. Speaking of cars, I saw a Tesla in the ditch the other day. Self driving… into the ditch. First snowfall, slip slide, spun and done. Snow was late coming this year, is that climate change or global warming, or are they the same thing? It has been a warm winter and that’s a change. Oh yea, that Grumpy Old Men beer website, it’s OK.  A Guest Reviewer

Cranky is the operative word. As in cantankerous, ill-tempered and belligerent. So let’s get something straight. It’s not grumpy old men. Grumpy is a vertically challenged Disney character.  We aren’t singing Hi-Ho and dancing with Snow White here, we’re drinking beer. A Cranky (not Grumpy) Old Man *

They certainly drink a lot of beer. The Department of Morality

The cranky old men all came from good families, they just strayed somewhere along the way. Anger Management Consultant

Where’s my free beer? JT

*Editor’s Comment: Not sure what he’s so grumpy about. He must have woke up on the wrong side of the bar.


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