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8 Reviews

Trappist Trials and Tribulations

Trappist Trials and Tribulations

This Trappist* Orval ale ordeal started out as a foam fest and only got worse. As foamy as it gets and then some. A head so thick it could hold up a bank, and it took more time to settle than a Trump law suit (pick one, any one).  Luckily, I was in no hurry, although...

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Maybe Your Beer, Not Mine

Maybe Your Beer, Not Mine

In January of 2023, I found myself in Belize, Central America.  Now for all of you geographically-challenged types out there, Belize is not an island, nor does it have a Pacific Coast.  It is a very small country directly south of the Mexican Yucatan, on the Caribbean...

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Gone Gonzo

Gone Gonzo

It isn’t too often that a word engrains itself in our language through the actions of one person. Hunter S. Thompson is one such person.  His gonzo journalism put the name gonzo* on the map so to speak. The word has gone beyond just journalism and has become an...

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A fruit too far

A fruit too far

This beer has been in my fridge about twice as long as most beers last in there. I can't say that the pink can with watermelon seeds sprinkled on it is a particularly attractive look for a beer. But this is Mill St. Brewery who has been in this business for a long...

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Pucker Up

Pucker Up

I see these sour beers on the shelf and think to myself, what a terrible idea, not for me, no thank you. Then what happens? One comes in my beer of the month club selection. I guess they didn’t get the memo. What memo is that, you ask? The memo that reads “NO SOUR...

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No Thank You

No Thank You

A beer that tastes like scotch. Good lord, what a terrible combination that is. If you want scotch, drink a nice scotch. Don’t search for the taste of scotch in a beer. No wonder this is “original”, no one else would ever contemplate or try to copy such a foul...

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Foam Fest Fiasco

Foam Fest Fiasco

Where to begin? When I saw the name Goodbye Gravity I was immediately intrigued. But it is not a reference to the impact this beer will have on you, but rather a tribute to Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield who hails from Sarnia, where the brewery is based. Hadfield...

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Not on the Level

Not on the Level

I decided to wait 24 hours before writing this review so I could tone down my distaste for this brew. I don’t think I have ever poured a craft beer with no head. I am not sure where the slightly muted golden colour comes from, but it isn’t from the flavour, or to be...

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