Cranky Reviews

Adventures On Board the Dawntreader

Sour IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 22

Other Info

Adventures On Board the Dawntreader


Lock Street Brewery

5.8% Alcohol

Full head to bullet head.

CS Lewis wrote of the adventures of Lucy and Edmund and their trip with King Caspian X aboard his ship, the Dawn Treader.* Maybe I’m not as adventurous as all that, but I get the feeling I’m in uncharted waters every time I sample a sour. And this an IPA sour no less. From the pride of Port Dalhousie, the Lock Street brewers.

This brew is a foam fest from pop of the top to the pour and more. I watched the head grow post pour into a bullet head, growing like my unslaked thirst and my concern, and fueling my naturally sour “sour” disposition. I thought it might be dawn before the high and mighty head had settled down enough to drink. Dawn header. My patience passed the test of time, and I was finally able to get a nose in there, and a drink too.

An aroma of a tropical fruit and hops IPA, with a bit of extra funk. The taste is a nice mild juiced session style IPA, with some fizz and a bit of funk on the finish. Easy drinking, not really a traditional sour in taste. Some funky bitters showed up part way through, must be the sour. The tail end funk added a bit of complexity to this session IPA. No adventures in beer tasting today, just a tasty easy drinking not at all sour sour.

Sours are hit and miss with me, but I’m on board with this one.

*Editor’s Comment: “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” is the third in a series of seven novels in the Chronicles of Narnia series by Clive Staples Lewis. It was published in 1952. The 2010 movie “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” was based on the book.

Editor’s Comment: Joni Mitchell performed her song “The Dawntreader” in 1968 in Ottawa at the Café Hibou. The song was recorded by none other than Jimi Hendrix who was in town for a concert of his own and came to see Mitchell play. The recordings were stolen and thought to be lost forever but turned up in 2021. They are now on the compilation “Joni Mitchell Archives Volume 2: The Reprise Years (1968 -1971)."

Final Rating: Super Suds Session Sour Scores 15 out of 20

Sour IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 22


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