Cranky Reviews

Bombs Away

Cherry Blueberry Sour

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Bombs Away

Time Bomb

Saulter Street Brewery

4.2% Alcohol

In my youth I was a reader with a social life to match. The name of this brew reminded me of one of the modern classics that I tackled in my younger days. Could it be Heller giving us hell in “Catch 22”? Or Burgess with his colourful “Clockwork Orange”? Perhaps Capote killing it “In Cold Blood”? A time bombs reference could well be made to all of those fine tomes, but no I’m afraid nothing quite esoteric as that.*

Things are never as black and white as they seem.

Perhaps you recall “Mad Magazine”? Alfred E. Neuman, ever the philosopher, challenging us to better ourselves and become contributors to society with his motto “What, me worry?”. By the way, did you know that Alfred E. Neuman’s middle name is Enigma?  That’s a winner on trivia night for sure. Two Mad Magazine regulars were the silent stalwart adversaries “Spy vs. Spy”. Bombs in hand, ready to blast their mortal adversary into a black or white dust. I have digressed again but as we all know, digression is the better part of valor.**

Bombs away, it’s review time, and time to see whether this Saulter’s Time Bomb bombs or is “the bomb”. A cheery cherry red pour with a bright white head, looks like Christmas in July.  An aroma of sour cherry blueberry if that is possible, probable, or even passable.  My first post pour pull rendered a very tangy sour tart taste overpowering the slight cherry with some faint blue berries. Ever wonder what they are so sad about? Very tart and sour, with a cherry background and a tad of a touch of a tinge of blueberry but only noticeable if you are looking for it. It took a bit of getting used to but once my taste buds were bludgeoned into submission I kind of liked it.

If you are drinking a sour you expect it to be tart and sour, this brew delivers in spades. Unlike Spy vs. Spy, nothing in this world is really black and white. So this brew doesn’t bomb, but I wouldn’t call it “the bomb” either.


*Editor’s Comment: Reading those violent, some would say disturbing, novels from the 60’s at a young age explains much more than any Rorschach test ever could. Of course your reading of “Mad Magazine” explains a lot too.

**Editor’s Comment: Another butchered quote from the mind of a Mad Magazine reader. “Discretion is the better part of valor” is from Shakespeare’s play Henry IV. Sir John Falstaff, a knight in a few of Shakespeare’s plays, delivers the line.

Final Rating: A Bombastic 14 out of 20

Cherry Blueberry Sour

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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