Cranky Reviews


Belgian Style White Beer

Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours



Blanche de Chambly


5% Alcohol

Blanche de Chambly – Translation – White of Chambly. A Belgian style white beer from Chambly, Quebec, an off island suburb of Montreal. “ A pale golden wheat ale with dense foam.” Well the first thing I learned upon pouring it was that their descriptor “dense foam” was right on the money. Pouring this was like a chemistry experiment gone awry. I thought I would need a snorkel to drink it.

You know when you go to the liquor store because your wife sends you there to buy some champagne for some special event, say your 30th anniversary hypothetically. You check out the ridiculous prices for some crappy tasting champagne foam fest that you are only going to drink a glass of and then let it go flat in your fridge and pour it out. So then you look at the sparkling wines, much cheaper and they all taste the same to you anyway. But it turns out that there is a sale on a beer which wasn’t your favourite but it was a great price so instead of buying the champagne or the sparkling wine you buy a six pack of cheap beer. Now lets just say you get sent back to the liquor store to buy that sparkling wine after a brief and animated discussion with the missus when you got home with your six pack of anniversary beer. So now you have a six pack of cheap brewskies and a bottle of cheap sparkling wine. Now lets just say you accidently pour a cheap beer, perhaps a 50, into a glass and then some of the cheap sparkling wine, lets just say Spumante Bambino, into the same glass. What you would end up with is Blanche de Chambly.

There are good beers and there are great beers. This one was neither. I didn’t enjoy the flavour, or the extreme carbonation or the after taste. It was acidic and off putting. I found it hard to find any redeeming qualities in this beer.  I am not a fan of Belgian wheat beers to start with and this is not a good one. Quebec has some great craft brews, this isn’t one of them.

Final Rating: A Cham pain 8 out of 20

Belgian Style White Beer

Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours


Other Info


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