Cranky Reviews

Grand River Drafting

Juicy IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Grand River Drafting

Juicy IPA

Grand River Brewery

6.5% Alcohol

Hercules just out walking the dog, in Hell.

Sampling a Grand River this evening, doing some river drafting. Perhaps the grandest river is the River Styx of Greek mythology, the waterway to the underworld. For most it was their last river rafting adventure. Hercules went down on a labour of love to do some dog sitting for Pluto and lived to tell the tale. Just imagine the poop scooping going on there. Odysseus crossed the river to visit his Mom and she ghosted him! *

This Grand River ** is a little closer to home in both time, space and reality. We spent Midnight on the Grand and thoroughly enjoyed it. Let’s see how well the river runs juicy.

It pours a muted golden orange with some heavy-duty foam, free standing and thick enough to shave with. Some juice on the nose with hoppiness cutting through the foam fest. First taste is some mild stone fruit juice with hops throughout and hoppy bitters for a photo finish, all in balance.  Mid-way through it went a bit flat then bounced back juicy. Balance re-achieved.

It got off to a foamy debut, but ended up being a juicy hoppy middlin’ strength balanced brew. A decent enough mildly juicy and hoppy IPA.

*Editor’s Comment: Hercules’ 12th Labour was to go to the Underworld and bring back the three headed hound of hell Cerebus alive. Cerebus was the guard dog of Hades preventing the living from entering to world of the dead. Pluto said he could take Cerebus to the land of the living only if he brought him back safely, which he did. As per Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus travelled to the Underworld by the River Styx where he met and conversed with the ghost of his Mother, as well as Achilles and Hercules.

**Editor’s Comment: The Grand River is a large river in central Ontario, Canada. It is the river that feeds the gorge at Elora, probably the most scenic part of the waterway.

Final Rating: River Running at a 14 out of 20

Juicy IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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