Cranky Reviews


Helles Light Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 18

Other Info


Peavey Hook

Sawdust City Brewing

4.3% Alcohol

After an unpleasant experience with a liver shiver giver of an imperial stout, it’s time to get hooked up with a heavenly Helles on earth light and bright brewski. And you know what they say, when in Rome do as the Romans do. No, I’m not drinking this in a toga, that’s not what I meant.* What I meant was when in the Gravenhurst, drink Sawdust City, so I’m popping the top on this Sawdust City special.

I’m a Lumberjack and I’m Okay.

Before becoming cottage country, Gravenhurst was a timber town, so the local brewery pays tribute to its hometown with their name, and with this brew. A peavey hook* is a tool for the lumber drive. Just picture lumberjacks and loggers singing their jaunty jingles as they ply their peavey hook to roll those lolling logs. Happy hookers** so to speak. I do digress at times but they say digression is the better part of valour.***

How about this brew. A pour as bright and bubbly as Sandra Dee. Effervescence incorporated. A light golden and clear body accentuates the bubbliness which feeds a full bright white head. It is a great looking pour. Nice malt and bread aroma. It remained bubbly through the whole tasting, but the bubbles didn’t show up as fizz in the taste. Maybe they contributed to the lightness of being that is this brew. A light floral hop and malt with a smooth finish to start. A very mild bitter appeared at the finish line part way through. It’s light and tasty with a floral flourish light enough not to distract or detract. A great Helles that the Gravenhurst loggers can sing their praises for, and I’ll join them.

*Editor’s Comment: He’s probably writing the review in his housecoat, a modern day toga. As for the Peavey hook, it is named after its inventor, Joseph Peavey, a Maine blacksmith and is a modification of the Cant hook. The Peavey could do some things that the Cant can’t. Sorry, I couldn’t resist that.

**Editor’s Comment: Not to be confused in any way with Xaviera Hollander, author of the 1971 book “The Happy Hooker”. I won’t elaborate on the book’s subject matter, let’s just say it’s not the memoir of a crochet club member.

***Editor’s Comment: They actually say that discretion is the better part of valour. Our reviewer has no problem digressing, but discretion is not one of his strong points.

Final Rating: Hooked on the Hook at 16 out of 20

Helles Light Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 18


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