Cranky Reviews

Ice Cold Gold

100% Ontario Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Ice Cold Gold

Ice Cold Beer

Left Field Brewery

4.5% Alcohol

Us COM find ourselves out in left field quite often these days, with something ice cold on hold. 7 times to date to be exact, bird watching, and reminiscing about Mr.Oktober putting on a laser show. Enough baseball lingo, spring training is still a month away. *

Leaf Fans Deserve It!

But it doesn’t matter which sport you’re watching,** Left Field is serving up some Ice Cold Beer because they tell us “the fans demand it”. I would venture to say, if you are a Toronto fan, that the fans deserve it. Maybe, just maybe, the fans need it?

You know who doesn’t deserve it? Let me tell you. As a long-time fan I have every right to do some Monday morning quarterbacking and bitch about, criticize and to put forward some hindsight, as to what my team should have done the night before on the day after. Of course, I am not qualified in any way, shape, or form to offer even a semi-educated opinion on any professional sport, but I don’t let that stop me. I opine on sports on a regular basis, usually not profoundly but sometimes profanely. But I would never, ever boo my own team. What’s that all about? I’m waiting to see the Leafs win the cup again, this time in colour, and I’ve been waiting a hell of a long time, but I would never boo them. So for all you boo-ers out there, this Bud’s not for you. Where was I, oh yea, Ice Cold Beer, great idea.

Right out of the frosty cold beer fridge, right into Poppy’s beer stein, which is right out of the frosty cold freezer. Hey Ice Cold Beer, you’re as cold as ice, as cold as ice to me.*** Ice cold gold.  A golden clear pour demanded and delivered. Head must be in the clouds, there’s none in the glass. A fresh malt bread aroma, no hops on the nose. First taste yields some fruit and a bit of fizz, no hops or bitters, definitely beer. It evolves into a good basic ale, good flavour, touch of crisp, very easy drinking, yes it’s CRUSHABLE with a capital C! Just good old cold basic beer, because the fans not only demand it, they deserve it, except for the ones that boo their own team. Don’t get me started again.

This is 100% Ontario ale, just an ice cold beer. And sometimes that’s all you want, sometimes that’s all you need, and sometimes that’s all you get.

*Editor’s Comment: The Blue Jays start their spring training season opener at their home away from home, Dunedin FLA, on February 24th versus the Phillies.

**Editor’s Comment: If you’re watching curling there is a good chance the players are demanding it too.

***Editor’s Comment: Foreigner’s 1977 hit “Cold as Ice” is from their debut album “Foreigner”. It was originally the B side of the single “Feels Like the First Time”.

Final Rating: Sold on This Ice Cold Gold at 16 out of 20

100% Ontario Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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