Cranky Reviews


Winter Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 20

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Metropolis Noir

Sawdust City Brewing

4.6% Alcohol

Next in the series, Metropolis Noir

Sounds like a Raymond Chandler novel, “The Long Goodbye”, “The Big Sleep”, “Metropolis Noir”. * Metropolis is also the name of a famous 1927 movie. Credited as the first full length science fiction movie ever made, it’s the story about a dystopian future in the year 2026. Rich people drinking cocktails in fancy penthouses while workers slaved away to make ends meet. Seems fitting while I am retired in 2024, drinking this tasty brew in front of my big screen TV. But no penthouse, the only magazines around here are the missus’ Hello!

Of course, Superman (cleverly disguised with horn rimmed glasses as inept mortal Clark Kent) hails from Metropolis, an imaginary city somewhere in America but certainly with influences from the big apple, and interestingly enough the little apple as well.**

What a mid-winter freezing her Danskins off trampoline acrobat has to do with Metropolis Noir is only known to the Sawdust City team but is the subject of today’s brew review. By the way, after over 30 Sawdust City reviews, I have come to the conclusion that 1) they are a great brewer and 2) they brew a lot of different brews.

This particular brew is not midnight noir, but a hearty brown, with a thin trim white head of a big city skyline. An aroma of mild malt roast to toast your chestnuts to. Nutty and slightly gritty with a fizz frosting, and a full flavoured hint of stout roast malt in there too. They call it light but the full flavour begs to differ, although it does have a thin watery mouthfeel to it. It has a bit of a singed roast finish, an edge to it that grew on me as I worked my way down this brew in middlin’ swigs. I enjoyed this light dark lager, a respite from the not so icy grip of this winter, and perhaps a harbinger of spring.

*Editor’s Comment: Raymond Chandler along with Dashmiel Hammett, are known as the originators and perfectors of the detective noir genre of novel. Their books have been turned into a number of movies and their style has been copied over the years by many authors.

**Editor’s Comment: According to Superman co-creator and original artist Joe Shuster, he modeled the Metropolis skyline after Toronto, where he was born and lived as a child in it’s pre CN Tower days.

Final Rating: A Big City 15 out of 20

Winter Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 20


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