Cranky Reviews


Double IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions



Pong Lord

Prince Eddy's Brewing Company

8.0% Alcohol

Although some have called me a spin doctor on occasion I wouldn’t profess to being a ping pong pro. Now when it comes to shooting pool, I have run the table once or twice in my day, but I always found myself behind the 8 ball when it came to playing for money.

Prince Eddy’s right out of Picton brings to mind fond memories of the sandbanks, the beach, and a certain end of high school unsanctioned outing, or as Springsteen would say “glory days”. At my age reminiscing and digressing are one in the same.

The Flash, 3rd Best Selling Pinball Machine of all Time

Back in the day, apart from the drunkest guy in the bar, the pub entertainment was shuffleboard or pinball or darts. The first bar video game I remember was Pong, a lame and simple back and forth 2-D table tennis game that fascinated everyone at the time.  It was the beginning of the end for pinball machines although I was still a loyal Flash player, we played that machine so much we called quarters Flash tokens. The last machine was removed to make room for Asteroids (misty eyed tear forming). Reminiscing and digressing once again.

So after all that, this Double IPA has nothing to do with the sand banks or pinball or video games or even ping pong for that matter. It pours a slightly hazy peach gold with a slim trim pong ball head of white. A mild not wild aroma of grapefruit and hops. First quaff is mild fruit with a funky malt follow and a grapefruit slight bitter slight boozy finish. Not the greatest combination. Are complex and confusing one in the same?*  I’m hoping for an evolution, and sure enough, evolve it does. It is mellowing just a bit, or maybe that’s me. Settling into a traditional double IPA, fruit body with a slight grapefruit bitter hops finish, any booziness that was there is now not. Every swig gets a little tastier.

I was watching the hockey game and thinking I could do the play by play. But part way through this brew I was thinking play by play would be very hard to do. By the end of this brew I recognize that play by play would be an impossible  task and best left to the pros.

It grows on you like a lamprey on a shark**, or a Bangles song.

*Editor’s Comment: For you they are.

**Editor’s Comment: Lampreys attach to all types of fish but they rarely attach to sharks. And yes, a shark is a fish.

Final Rating: Still Growing on Me at 14 out of 20

Double IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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