Cranky Reviews

Summer Solace

Hazy New England IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 30

Other Info

Summer Solace


Common Good Beer Company

6.7% Alcohol


Out on the lake, casting my line into a late summer sunset that had me reeling. But the fish were on to me. A couple of bites but the hook never took so the net was never wet. No fat bass-tards tonight. So, it was time to dock the boat and head to the beer fridge for my only catch of the evening. Something to offer me solace after an unsuccessful outing. Wait a minute, there’s a beer in here called Solace. Seems like a fitting quaff to offer comfort after a fruitless foray with no fish to fry. Time to pop and pour, no net required.

Common Good have graced their can with a big ol’ sea turtle*, for reasons unexplained. Perhaps Shelly the Endangered (I felt obliged to name her to personalize her plight) is searching for solace from her most feared predator, humans. Distressed from the immense harm mankind has inflicted on her natural habitat, she has gone to none other than the Common Good Beer Company to lead an intervention on her behalf. Or perhaps I have just overthought the can art a bit.

The Quaff has a Coiff, it’s a Pompadour!

A cloudy orange yellow pour, right off the extra pulp shelf in the supermarket. Crazy hazy.  A fluffy whip cream head, this quaff has a coiff and it’s a pompadour. The aroma is that of a hoppy juicer, classic NEIPA fare. And the taste? Definitely a juicer, stone fruit juice bitters hops, the first swig isn’t a sequence, it’s a mix master blend. The hops jump back Kerouac, but bitters don’t bow or bend while the fruit is resolute. And now it’s mellowed a bit into a middlin’ juice mild bitters and everything has come into balance. Solace offered and accepted with gratitude.


*Editor’s Comment: Big and old is an apt description. The natural life span of a sea turtle is 50 to 100 years but some have been estimated to have lived for over 400 years. Leatherbacks are the largest species of sea turtles and can grow to be 6 feet long and over 1,000 pounds. And yes, sea turtles do have genders, but only two as far as I know.

Final Rating: Not Common and Definitely Good at 15 out of 20

Hazy New England IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 30


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