Cranky Reviews

We are Chuffed to Bits

English Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


We are Chuffed to Bits

Chuffed to Bits

Sawdust City Brewing

4.7% Alcohol

Chuffed to bits? Hey Sawdust City, what the hell kind of name is that? I sent a request to the COMDB Translation department and their prompt reply was a curt note “WE DON’T DO ENGLISH.” Of course, our Editor is a bit of a know it all* and a show off to boot and I knew he would be happy to one up the Translation department. Sure enough he came back right away and tells us that when a British person says they are “chuffed to bits” they are saying that they are very pleased or happy about something.

So right after congratulating myself on a splendid pour, I pour a brew with more head than Mount Rushmore. As they say, pride goes before a fall.** I checked on other English Pale Ales I have reviewed and its seems I have a pouring problem with the genre in general. Is genre in general a redundant repitition?***

Nice clear golden pour other than three inches of head to wade through. An earthy malty aroma. My first swig resulted in a foam stache and a full malty earthy flavour, very tasty. As the earthiness melts away a bit of crisp finish emerging, crisp/ nutty/sweet perhaps? Seems like a cross between an amber and a pale ale, and although maybe it sounds like an unlikely combination, it seems to work well. An interesting and tasty brew.

*Editor’s Comment: Our friends at Sawdust also pointed out there is homophone in the artwork. A chough (Chuff) is a a black Eurasian and North African bird of the crow family, with a down-curved bill and broad rounded wings. A clever bunch that Sawdust City team.

**Editor’s Comment: Proverbs 16:18: Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

***Editor’s Comment: No, but “redundant repetition” is.

Final Rating: Pleased and Happy at 15 out of 20

English Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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