Cranky Reviews

Which Wicked is Which?

SMaSH West Coast IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Which Wicked is Which?

Wicked Humans

Sawdust City Brewing

6% Alcohol

Wicked good* or wicked evil? If you were described on Santa’s list as wicked you would be expecting the old “coal” shoulder from St. Nick. But these days you can’t be too sure what even the most obvious adjectives really mean. Sawdust City tells us that this beer is almost as wicked as we are, almost. So is it almost as wicked awesome as we are or almost was wicked evil as we are? Either way we are hoping to be impressed.

As an aside we have reviewed a few “wicked” brews in the past. Wicked Awesome wasn’t and Wicked Easy was too easy. We wonder which wicked will show up today.

This isn’t just a West Coast IPA, it is a SMaSH West Coast IPA. SMaSH is an acronym for Single Malt and Single Hop and Sawdust has used only Vista hops and Raven Floor Malt in what they call “an experimental brew done in the name of science.”  Creating wicked humans in the name of science sounds like the plot from Frankenstein.** That doesn’t sound promising.

This experiment pours into my beaker a little hazy and witches’ cauldron bubbly.  The first aroma is fresh and hoppy but second sniff brought out some from the floor funky malt? What the hay? Even the aroma is complex. The first swig had bitters upfront with citrus fruit coming into play in the middle and a mild fruit finish. This brew is bass akwards. How did they do that? As it continues to evolve the bitters are backing off to leave a nice fruit basket.  Now its fruit and funky malt, complex and interesting.  Naughty or nice? An enjoyable IPA that keeps you on your toes.  I vote for nice.

*Editor’s Comment: Perhaps ironic that this is a West Coast IPA since the use of “wicked” as a positive adjective seems to have been popularized in New England. The origin of it’s use in the positive may have been F. Scott Fitzgerald in his 1920’s book “This Side of Paradise”. It became a popular adjective in the 60’s. Much more recently the Harry Potter gang was heard spouting off “wicked” as a positive exclamation mark.

**Editor’s Comment: In the Mel Brooks classic “Young Frankenstein” they select the brain of “Abby Normal” to put into their monster. Wicked funny.

Final Rating: Wicked Nice at 15 out of 20

SMaSH West Coast IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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