
5 Reviews

An Extra Day, Cheers

An Extra Day, Cheers

Cheers to Leap Years, an extra day is hard to come by, so I hope you made the most of yours. I sure did. I had a beer. If I have calculated correctly that means I will drink at least one more beer this year than last year. On the other hand, for those like JT...

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The 7% Solution*

The 7% Solution*

The heat of the day has faded away like my resolve, time for the 7% solution. Farmer Steve tells me that he loves Dab beer, a little Dab will do ya he says. I guess bright minds drink alike. How about a Maibock. I asked our translation department at COMDB to tackle...

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Big Rock Bock

Big Rock Bock

Another brew of the month club selection from Big Rock. They can talk the talk but can they rock the bock? Helles in German means pale, so is this a pale bock. They call it a Bock Lager when in fact aren’t all bocks lagers?   They tell us the “the Devil is in the...

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Special Edition

Special Edition

Saturday night and I had a beer in one hand and my salty nuts in the other hand and I was feeling good. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound right? How about this, I had a snack ready to go and was looking forward to trying this new beer. That’s better. A dark amber...

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According to the can this is “a strong lager with the kick of a goat”. Although often the story on the can is fiction, some would say “pour” fiction no less, in this case I would agree. A kick in the head by a goat is not near the top of my leisure time list. That...

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