
269 Reviews

Island Time Again

Island Time Again

Hey Common Good, Jamaica good beer do you? As old Bob Marley would say, “you see, we taking it easy”* with this light island lager. I think Marley would have liked a beer company named the Common Good, but today’s quiz for duck is closer to home, as in will the COM...

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Dark Day, Good Köstritzer

Dark Day, Good Köstritzer

A dark beer while listening to Dark Side of the Moon seemed to be a fitting follow-up to all the hoopla surrounding the elliptical illusion. At least the clouds prevented any fried like eggs eyes, sunny side up I assume. For those of you who drove hundreds of miles,...

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A Port Perry Proud Pint

A Port Perry Proud Pint

  Port Perry, named after settler Peter Perry (not Katy Perry) and birth place of many famous people whose names I don’t recognize (not Katy Perry),* is also home to Canada’s oldest still standing grain elevator.** And of course, our brewer of the hour, Old Flame...

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The Mighty Eagle Soars (and Scores)

The Mighty Eagle Soars (and Scores)

I was mighty thirsty so the timing was right for a frosty cold thirst-quenching easy drinking big swig Bob’s your uncle and Betty’s your aunt brewski, and this Mighty Eagle seemed like the can that could. As American as a Canadian beer can get, which hopefully isn’t...

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A Cold Case Mystery

A Cold Case Mystery

Murdoch Mystery beer? I am always suspect of a brew named to ride to coattails of a popular TV show, or even a CBC TV show. Although come to think of it I was skeptical about Puppers and it was a pretty damn good brew. But on Kilkenny they are drinking Puppers beer so...

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Huhh Yeah?

Huhh Yeah?

Can we get a Huhh Yeah for the ghetto blaster? No, he wasn't a gun toting vigilante. Are you sure you’re over 19? The ghetto blaster on the can, or the politically correct and original name boom box, is booming out a Huhh Yeah! for this light lager from Newark. That’s...

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Do Do That Yuzu That You Do

Do Do That Yuzu That You Do

To all you brewers who brew good brew, we appreciate all you do do, but one thing not to do, is to overdo the yuzu. JT took at 3:10 to Yuzu and enjoyed the trip. I Yabai dabadooed an impressive Black Bellows rice a roni  Lager but I am new to yuzu.  So now we have a...

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St.Patrick’s Day Canadian Style

St.Patrick’s Day Canadian Style

Happy St.Patrick’s day and may the trim of your jib match the wind in your sails, or some other such malarky. I just made that up and I’m no sailor so I’m not sure what it means, if it means anything at all, but it sounds like an Irish toast. It also sounds like a...

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Sounds like a Raymond Chandler novel, “The Long Goodbye”, “The Big Sleep”, “Metropolis Noir”. * Metropolis is also the name of a famous 1927 movie. Credited as the first full length science fiction movie ever made, it’s the story about a dystopian future in the year...

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Marshall Pioneer Pepper Serves Up a Buenaveza

Marshall Pioneer Pepper Serves Up a Buenaveza

At the ultimate Arizona tourist dinner and partaking in a pint,  with Marshall Pioneer Pepper the singing Cowboy entertaining us. He deputized us to help ensure things didn't get out of hand. Kinda like the Hell's Angel's at Altamont for the Stones.* After a few Roy...

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