Beer Reviews with Teeth

“Putting craft beer in its place, our glass.”

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1139 Reviews & Counting!

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Is It Even Beer?


The Dregs


Poor Pours


Honourable Mentions


Super Suds

About Us

We Are a Group of Cranky Old Men

Welcome to Cranky Old Men Drinking Beer. We are not experts on how to brew beer, or the chemistry or the ingredients but our reviewers have quaffed a few brews in their day and they aren’t done yet. Some beers are great, some are good, some are both and some are neither. That’s what we will be telling you about. All of the reviews are honest and unsolicited. Occasionally the reviews will get cranky. We will try to keep it clean but I must confess, as the editor I don’t have much control over what goes into these reviews. Trying to edit cranky old men drinking beer is like trying to wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it!

We welcome your feedback, comments and your reviews too. And if there is a beer that we haven’t reviewed yet that you would like a cranky opinion on let us know. The beer is the journey. Cheers.

COMDB Editor in Chief

Digressions and Transgressions
COMDB News and Rants

Submit a Guest Review

You don’t have to be cranky or old to submit a review. You just have to drink beer and have an opinion and we have never met anyone that drank beer that didn’t have an opinion. If you really want to get serious you can read The Cranky Old Men’s Guide to Beer Tasting for some pointless pointers and unhelpful hints. If you aren’t Shakespeare (we suspect you aren’t since he has been dead 400 years) don’t worry about it, none of the reviewers are either. That is what our cranky old editor is there for, to make postings presentable and polish the prose. So send us your frank, forthright and honest reviews. As far as we are concerned, guest reviews are like beer, the more the merrier.

    Guest Reviewer's Info

    Optional, if no name is entered the review will be posted anonymously.

    Beer Detail's and Info

    The name of the beer featured in your review.

    Please select the beer types that apply.

    The name of the brewery featured in your review.

    Alcohol by volume percentage.

    All you want to say about your chosen beer.

    Select which rating category applies.

    jpg, jpeg, png formats accepted.

    For example: A good one from the Great One 14 out of 20, MVP 17 out of 20, etc.