Beer and Lunch Anyone? Anyone?

Jul 20, 2023 | Rants / Articles

Oatmeal, a coffee, Wordle in 3, Quordle in 7. It was starting off to be a pretty good day. The missus got up as I was pouring my second java joe jolt of the day and said to me “How about some beer and lunch.” Those of you who are grammar teachers will recognize that a lack of question mark after that sentence indicates it is a rhetorical question. Those of you who failed English but have been married for a few decades will recognize that it is not a question but a plan. I am not much of a day drinker but if the Department of Morality is sanctioning beer with lunch than who am I to question such an edict from on high. A pretty good day just got promoted to a great day.

Sensing my excitement at the idea she said ”Do you know what brunch is?”

“Of course I know what brunch is.”* I said, while trying to hide my disappointment.

“You thought I said beer and lunch didn’t you?.

“Of course not, who would think of a Sunday beer and lunch.”

“Well, your hearing isn’t that great these days. Anyway, it’s not beer and lunch, it’s breakfast-lunch. Brunch.” She said.

I replied “I know that, and I think it’s a great idea” all the time wondering if it really was such a great idea since I had already had breakfast. But in marriage when it comes to going out for a meal, in the immortal words of old Alfie Tennyson, “ours is not to reason why, ours is but to go and buy.” **

On the way to brunch we see a sign that says “ It’s a good day to have a good day”.

I said “That’s too bad, I was hoping for a great day.”

The missus said “Well, it is a great day to have a great day, too”.

I said “I guess awesome is out of the question? And that means it must be a bad day to have a bad day.”

Then I got to ruminating and pontificating. If all your days are good then they are all average, which isn’t too great. The point is that no bad days means no good days. So even though today is a bad day to have a bad day because it is in fact a good day to have a good day, or maybe even a great day to have a great day, is there ever a good day to have a bad day?  I sincerely doubt there is a great day to have a bad day, let alone an awesome day for one. On the other hand I have had some of those days that seem like three of those days, and come to think of it, it was never a good day for any of them.

We had to wait in line and the restaurant wasn’t even licensed. And it was damn expensive too. My great day was turning into just a good day, but I guess that isn’t bad. 

Brunch COMDB style. Cheers.

*Editor’s Comment: Brunch, a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch, was a term first coined in the 1890’s as a late Sunday morning meal to allow Saturday night carousers some recovery time. Brunch often includes a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you as well. Some champagne in the OJ or a Bloody Mary (Caesar in Canada) are popular. Beer brunches are perhaps less standard but most likely they do exist.

**Editor’s Comment: “Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die” is a saying paraphrased from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade”.


  1. Brad Brown

    I often remind myself that a good day is one spent with my wife when she wants my company. A cold beer can improve things but isn’t absolutely necessary. Some days I even get to drink the one she doesn’t want. And buying is a given.

    • Roy Slack

      Well said Brad. Any day is a good day to count our blessings. And you should earn some points on the homefront with that comment too!


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