
49 Reviews

Mozzle Have Another

Mozzle Have Another

Site visit report! And it’s a Kame & Kettle Canada Day weekend draft craft quaff. They tell us the name of this pilsner can be best defined by using it in a sentence. “While you are here, you mozzle have a beer.” * The correct response is “Don’t mind if I do.” So,...

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Out and About for a Stout

Out and About for a Stout

Out and about for dinner with the missus. Kibitzing with the movers and shakers, saluting the captains of industry at the local yacht club. But the only Thurston* in the house was my powerful thirstin’ for a frosty brewski.  I was dry docked so to speak. Appetizer...

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A Not Quite Acquired Taste

A Not Quite Acquired Taste

Waiter: Would you care for drinks. Me: What do you have on tap. Waiter: A light beer, an amber, and a black lager, Sir. Me to Myself: (I love me an amber.) Me: What brewer? Waiter: Blackburn Sir, a local brewhouse. Me: (Having sampled Blackburn’s amber before) I’ll...

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Dildo is the Name, Beer is the Game

Dildo is the Name, Beer is the Game

“No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. But there really is a town called Dildo.” What Newfoundland brewer tour would be complete without a visit to the scenic and bustling East Coast town of Dildo, and a brew and bite at their namesake brewery. That’s right, none. I...

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A Space Puffin from Paradise

A Space Puffin from Paradise

Did you know that the Atlantic Puffin is the provincial bird of Newfoundland and Labrador. A common loon is the provincial bird of Ontario, which seems to make sense to me for some reason. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a provincial bird but I guess you...

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On the House at the Ballyhoo

On the House at the Ballyhoo

Chilling in Vancouver, and after a relaxing patio pint at the Ballyhoo, the wise and wonderful waitress says to me “Would you like to try something interesting”. I must admit my imagination ran wild for a second until I remembered I was old enough to be her father.* ...

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At the Ballyhoo for a Brew or Two

At the Ballyhoo for a Brew or Two

At the Burrard Street Ballyhoo for a brew or two, and some dinner too. When in Rome, visit the coliseum, when in Vancouver, carry an umbrella and drink local. Time for a Phillips and we're not talking milk of magnesia, but an Implosion of the Pilsner ilk. Some...

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Acme, the Adjective

Acme, the Adjective

Contrary to popular belief, ACME is not a mail order weaponry supply house for coyotes, wily or otherwise.*  However, one popular belief that is in fact correct is that I love me an amber. So I’m out with the missus for eye-talian and I’m thinking Peroni or Moretti...

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Campfire Smoke

Campfire Smoke

Passing through the Muskokas meant a chance to stop by the largest beer spa in the world and partake in some campfire smoke at Clear Lake. A tasty entrée with an adult beverage for an appetizer, that’s the ticket. A gander at the On Tap menu, said the excited goose....

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Cereal to Suds

Cereal to Suds

I had a chance to visit Powerhouse Brewery in London, Ontario on the weekend and it was terrific. The brewery is in a former Kellogg plant and the transformation from Corn Flakes to beer is enough to bring a tear to a cranky old eye. From a distance it still has the...

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