294 Reviews

Irresponsibly Hopped for Pine Nuts

Irresponsibly Hopped for Pine Nuts

Sawdust City’s toast to Hill Valley’s favourite shopping mall, Twin Pines and that blast from the past Back to the Future.* Come to think of it, Sawdust also brews Lone Pine, which was the name of the Hill Valley shopping mall after Marty comes back to the future. I...

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Holy Trinity and an Immaculate Misconception

Holy Trinity and an Immaculate Misconception

As a kid I heard the old man say “Jesus, Mary and Joseph” so often I thought they were the Holy Trinity. The Department of Morality cleared up that little immaculate misconception for me. But Rouge River is talking about a hoppy holy trinity of Citra, Simcoe and...

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The OG? Maybe?

The OG? Maybe?

I’m not a brewer, that’s for sure. I know a few on a casual basis and they are an interesting breed, and that’s a bit of an understatement. But I think there comes a point where a brewer makes a decision on whether to brew what they like or go for what the public...

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Rockin’ the Doublewide

Rockin’ the Doublewide

Way back in the day, almost half a century ago, when the missus and I first got hitched we did reside in a doublewide, up on blocks behind the Red Dog Inn. Newlyweds rockin’ the doublewide. Those were our salad days* and we thought we were living pretty high on the...

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This Thunderhead is Brewin’ Up a Storm

This Thunderhead is Brewin’ Up a Storm

What the hell is a thunderhead?* Maybe the latest James Bond movie? Perhaps the latrine at a special camp for the lactose intolerant? Or a common condition experienced the morning after the Cranky Old Men AGM? Whatever a thunderhead is, it sounds like Canvas is...

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Pour Me a St. Ambroise on the Double

Pour Me a St. Ambroise on the Double

Back in la belle province, at least in spirit, and spirits. St. Ambroise, the patron Saint of …. you guessed it… beekeepers, is the namesake of Montreal based brewer McAuslan’s award winning lineup of brews. So, what do beers, bees, and beatitudes have in common you...

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March Madness April Mildness

March Madness April Mildness

When it comes to College roundball the season that culminates with madness in March is now over. Madness it was with brackets broken all round. As my granddaughter would say “girls rule, boys drool”. Yes, the girls took the boys to task this year and we all learned...

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Peak Performance

Peak Performance

Art appreciation day at COMDB, as in a Peak to Peak limited release IPA No 27 from Collective Arts. How about some word association with this art appreciation. Peak to Peak brings to mind Twin Peaks which makes me think of David Lynch. David Lynch makes me think of...

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A Close to Home Roam

A Close to Home Roam

All those who wander are not lost, and all those who roam are not Roman. I’ve done my fair share of travelling and let me assure you, the novelty has worn off. Leon Redbone said “home is where you hang your hat.” Is it coincidence, or convenience, that I actually hang...

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It’s the First Day of Something

It’s the First Day of Something

First of all, I know it’s not the first day of spring. But it seemed like a good spring time brew to go with an Easter weekend. That religious holiday with chocolate eggs and an imaginary rabbit delivering them. Not sure what symbolism is going on here, but when it...

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