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643 Reviews

Small Batch Nice Catch

Small Batch Nice Catch

After an enjoyable tour of Newfoundland via St.John’s, I’m back out East with a small batch catch from the less possessive St.John, in Canada’s only officially bilingual province!* Une biere s'il vous plait. Viva la difference. No frequent flyer miles this time, it’s...

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Out and About for a Stout

Out and About for a Stout

Out and about for dinner with the missus. Kibitzing with the movers and shakers, saluting the captains of industry at the local yacht club. But the only Thurston* in the house was my powerful thirstin’ for a frosty brewski.  I was dry docked so to speak. Appetizer...

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COMDB Appreciation of the Arts

COMDB Appreciation of the Arts

Art appreciation time at COMDB. No, I’m not going to treat you to another one of my Hallmark worthy rhymes.* Instead, how about something much more tasteful, a Collective Arts sampling, their Guava Gose no less! I seem to remember a past guava brewski that I thought...

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A Flagon of Dragon

A Flagon of Dragon

When Daenerys walked out of her husband’s funeral pyre, the weeping widow had no burns of any degree and three baby dragons in tow. She named one of the little lizards after her late husband, Drogon.* That’s right, Drogon the dragon.  That red and black flying flaming...

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It’s Butterbeer

It’s Butterbeer

It’s called Butterbeer* and it’s good. It’s not real beer like my Poppy drinks. I got it at a Harry Potter themed birthday party for my friend. We watched a Harry Potter movie too and had cake and candy and stayed up real late. Butterbeer tastes good and fizzy, it’s...

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A Good Friday Boil Up Sounds Good to Me

A Good Friday Boil Up Sounds Good to Me

The Baie Verte peninsula is “au couer du petit nord” according to this beer can. What I do know is the town of Baie Verte is about a 6 hour drive North of St. John’s, 7 hours if it’s raining hard enough to float the ark, don’t you Noah. Up here you can watch whales or...

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Dildo is the Name, Beer is the Game

Dildo is the Name, Beer is the Game

“No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. But there really is a town called Dildo.” What Newfoundland brewer tour would be complete without a visit to the scenic and bustling East Coast town of Dildo, and a brew and bite at their namesake brewery. That’s right, none. I...

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A Space Puffin from Paradise

A Space Puffin from Paradise

Did you know that the Atlantic Puffin is the provincial bird of Newfoundland and Labrador. A common loon is the provincial bird of Ontario, which seems to make sense to me for some reason. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a provincial bird but I guess you...

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A Burning Question or Two

A Burning Question or Two

Time for a coast to coast toast. Just finished a Vancouver tour and what could be further from Stanley Park than St. John’s? * Our Newfoundland tour begins with a St.John’s stalwart, an 1892, and what is so significant about that year is the burning question. The...

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Another Patron of Matron

Another Patron of Matron

I’m a patron of Matron, a connoisseurer of the brewer. A dark with class, is in my glass, signed and sealed from Bloomfield. Yes, from the blooming and booming metropolis of Bloomfield, Prince Edward County. Not to be confused with Bloomfield, Prince Edward Island,...

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